Temperance as Yes or No - A Complete Guide

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Modesty, equilibrium, harmony, and patience are the qualities embodied by the Temperance card. As it is, an angel has one foot firmly planted on land and the other in the sea. To represent the ebb and flow and alchemy of existence, the angel divides water between two cups.

Practicing moderation serves as a gentle reminder to steer clear of extremes. Keeping a level head, being patient, and not getting caught up in the drama of life usually get us where we need to go. Reasonableness, moderation, and carefulness are virtues that temperance teaches us to value. In many cases, they are more beneficial in the long run than a spontaneous eruption of emotion. Collaborating to reach a middle ground is frequently essential for preserving amicable relationships.

Temperance as Yes or No – Upright

If the question is yes/no, drawing Temperance will mean yes. Patience, harmony, and balance are the qualities this card represents. Great qualities to have in general, but particularly when faced with uncertainty. The positive things in your life will ultimately stem from your patience, and you know that you shouldn’t resort to extreme measures to achieve your goals.

Temperance portends a positive response to love-related yes/no questions. In high-pressure situations, you can calmly assess the situation and think things through before acting. Maintaining your composure is the key to a fulfilling love life. You can also provide stability to other folks and effortlessly sync up with them.

Temperance is a sign of a resounding yes when it comes to career questions that require a yes or no answer. Your supervisor and coworkers are quite impressed by your persistence and patience. You can offer something new to the table, and this will have a beneficial effect on your career. Even in the most hectic of workplaces, your ability to maintain harmony is contagious.

Temperance is a plus in all possible romantic partnerships. Your prospective spouse values the fact that you aren’t being overbearing. If you stick with being patient, your partner will start to provide you with the answers and outcomes you desire. You are both reasonable enough to recognize that you have differences but are also open to working through them, which bodes well for the future of your partnership. Like the water the angel on the card is standing on, communication lines are flowing freely between the two of you.

The answer is yes, Temperance, for committed relationships. Everything is going swimmingly for your lover. By swiftly resolving conflicts and validating each other’s emotions, you may prevent most disputes. Because you are understanding, patient, and compassionate, they trust you and feel safe in your connection. Keep going in this direction, and you’ll see your relationship endure.

Temperance is not the answer if you are seeking to mend fences with a former romantic partner. As far as your ex is concerned, the relationship is over. Their time alone has helped them find equilibrium, and now they’re content to simply coexist with you, romantically or not. It’s not that they no longer care about you; on the contrary, they’ve managed to rein in their passionate feelings for you and are now happy with their newfound serenity.

Temperance as Yes or No – Reversed

If you’re asking a yes/no question, drawing Temperance backward means no. Feeling wildly irrational, you vacillate between being extremely hot and freezing. You are confusing both yourself and everyone around you. Considering how easily your emotions can shift, you should hold off on making any major decisions right now.

Temperance inverted shows no when asked a yes/no love question. One day you might feel head over heels for someone, and the next you might feel absolutely no emotion at all. Since you’re acting on impulse, this isn’t the time to look for love. Trying to pursue someone right now could lead to someone’s feelings being harmed.

If you are seeking a yes/no answer regarding your professional life, Temperance in reverse will tell you no. You are both an inspiration and a liability; you may be both activated and deactivated at the drop of a pin. Your professional standing will not be enhanced by this. Although it doesn’t harm anything, being undecided won’t get you to the success you’ve been seeking.

Temperance inverted is not a good choice for a relationship, current or future. Whether or not this relationship is right for you is something you can’t determine. This is producing a lot of tension between you and your partner since they can feel it. At other times, you’re icy and unfeeling, even while you’re madly in love with someone. Always keep in mind that this is another human being with feelings and that the fun part of being so unpredictable is just beginning. This is hardly the groundwork for a solid relationship.

Temperance turned negative, which means it’s a no for current relationships. The nature of your relationship is harmful because it is so unpredictable. Because neither partner knows what to do, being in a relationship can make you feel like you’re always on high alert because the slightest thing could trigger your spouse’s reaction. Emotional swings like these are common, but certainly not to this degree. You should end the connection if you find that it’s causing you more stress than delight.

Temperance inverted is not a yes if you are seeking to mend fences with a former romantic partner. Their feelings for you are a bit hazy because their thoughts fluctuate often. They long for your presence but are adamant about avoiding you. Only by introspection and patient deliberation can they hope to find common ground and make a lasting peace. But be wary, because their emotions are so malleable.

Final Words

When it comes to emotions and relationships, Temperance shows how effective patience, kindness, and understanding can be. Relationships and other relationships can sometimes fall apart when we try to push them in a certain direction. The virtue of temperance teaches us to be calm, collected, reasonable, diplomatic, and open to compromise. Embracing these attributes allows us to establish trust. Trust, when nurtured, can become the bedrock of a wonderful relationship.
